
Our general practitioners (GPs) are dedicated to take care for all of your common medical necessities. They are also focused on specific health related matters or seasonal Diseases.

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Department of Gynaecology is working with wide range of women’s health care services. We are equipped with state of the art technologies with Senior Doctors and experienced staffs to providing services such as painless deliveries, consultancy for high risk pregnancies/late pregnancies and others.

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Medicine department is highly maintained department . Well experienced Doctors are leading this department to treat patient like .. coronary artery disease, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus and others. We have all the facilities to diagnosis as prescribe by Doctors. Medicine consultancy and diagnoses all are under same roof.

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Child Specialist/Pediatric specialist is our key resources to protect future of the nation. Pediatrics Department is well equipped and supporting staffs are much skilled to take medical care of infants, children, and adolescents.

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We do provide treatment for various types of injuries of the musculoskeletal system including bones, joints, ligaments, nerves and tendons.  We are equipped enough to diagnose bone, joint, ligament, or other musculoskeletal problems, including diseases or injuries.

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